Austrian Minister of Environment Niki Berlakovich opens the symposium |
Inspired by the theme "Your planet needs you -- UNite to Combat Climate Change," the Austrian Ministry of Environment, in co-operation with the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Vienna Office, as well as private sector partners, held a public symposium at the Vienna International Centre on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5 June 2009.
Austrian Minister for the Environment Niki Berlakovich opened the symposium. "I am pleased that we have partners from so may different sectors on board to mark World Environment Day this year. Business, environmental organizations, science and politics are all joining forces to contribute. Together, we will achieve more," said Mr. Berlakovich.
In his video message to the symposium, UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner welcomed the diverse range of partners mobilizing to hold the event: "This broad support shows how important a joint approach is, involving Member States, the United Nations family, the private sector and civil society, to move forward the fight against climate change and the idea of a green economy".
Well-known scientists, civil society activists, business representatives, experts and journalists explored the effects of climate change on Austria.
Political scientist Professor Peter Filzmaier presented public opinion trends on environmental issues, critically questioning whether opinion polls identifying climate change as the top concern of European Union and Austrian citizens at a rate of up to 96 per cent reflected real personal commitment by individuals or merely showed a public display of consensus on an 'uncontroversial' issue with few concrete consequences: "Are we in favour of protecting the environment only as long as it does not cost anything?" Professor Filzmaier asked, initiating a lively debate.
Separate workshops explored the issue of climate change in connection with social values, youth, the media, tourism and the economy, and the results of the separate debates were shared in a closing panel discussion, outlining ideas for a sustainable future.
Aside from the symposium at the United Nations headquarters in Vienna, over 50 events are being held on the occasion of World Environment Day in Austria this year, including a tree planting ceremony held by the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations (Vienna), on the occasion of Mexico hosting the international World Environment Day celebrations this year.
The organizers and hosts, from left to right: Andreas Walk, OMV