For information only - not an official document.
21 December 2000

Secretary-General Pleased by Adoption of Resolution
On UN System Staff College

NEW YORK, 20 December (UN Headquarters) -- The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan:

The Secretary-General was very pleased at the adoption, this morning in the General Assembly, of a resolution concerning the institutionalization of the United Nations System Staff College in Turin. The basic mission of the College is to nurture innovation and a common management culture throughout the United Nations system. The global challenges facing the system increasingly call for new, concerted responses cutting across the areas of competence of individual United Nations organizations and agencies. By providing a common, modern instrument for system-wide learning, the College will greatly strengthen the capacity of staff to be agents of change and to meet these challenges in an effective and cohesive way.

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