            12April 2005

Press Statement on Iraq by Security Council President

NEW YORK, 11 April (UN Headquarters) -- Following is the text of today’s statement to the press on Iraq by Security Council President Wang Guangya (China):

Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ashraf Qazi briefed the Security Council today on the Secretary General’s most recent quarterly report on Iraq.  The members of the Security Council thank Mr. Qazi for his briefing and express great appreciation for the difficult and important work he has undertaken in Iraq.  The members of the Security Council support the Special Representative of the Secretary-General’s plans to expand the UN presence in Erbil and Basra and, if requested, provide assistance to the constitutional process.

The members of the Security Council listened with appreciation to the briefing on the activities of the Multinational Forces by Ambassador Anne Patterson of the United States and to a statement by Iraqi Ambassador Sumaida’ie on recent developments in the Iraqi political process.  The members welcome the progress made in recruiting and training Iraqi national forces and look forward to those forces progressively playing a greater role and ultimately assuming full responsibility for the maintenance of security and stability in Iraq.

The members of the Security Council welcome recent political developments in Iraq, including the convening of the Transitional National Assembly, the selection of the three-person Presidency Council and the nomination of a prime minister candidate.  The members of the Security Council look forward to the early completion of the formation of the Iraqi Transitional Government with the nomination and confirmation of government ministers.  These steps are critical to Iraq’s political process.

The members of the Security Council look forward to continued progress in Iraq’s political transition, consistent with UN Security Council resolution 1546.  The members of the Security Council reaffirm their support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and for a federal, democratic, pluralist and unified Iraq, in which there is full respect for human rights.

The members of the Security Council urge the Transitional National Assembly to proceed without delay on the constitutional process.  The members of the Security Council stress the need for this process to be as inclusive, participatory and transparent as possible.  They encourage the Transitional National Assembly to reach out broadly to all segments of Iraqi society, with a view of promoting genuine political dialogue and national reconciliation and ensuring that all Iraqis have a voice in the drafting of the constitution.

The members of the Security Council also welcome the international community’s support to Iraq and underline the importance of assistance from all States and relevant international organizations in support of Iraq’s political transition, national reconciliation, economic reconstruction, and stability, in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 1546.

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