9 February 2006

Security Council Committee Adds Five Individuals, Four Entities to Al-Qaida Sections of Consolidated List

NEW YORK, 8 February (UN Headquarters) -- The Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee on 7 February 2006 approved the addition of five individuals and four entities to its consolidated list (Al-Qaida sections).

C. The list of individuals belonging to or associated with the Al-Qaida organization

11. *Name: 1: GHUMA 2: ABD'RABBAH 3: na 4: na

Title: na Designation: na DOB:  2 Sept. 1957 POB: Benghazi, Libya *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ghunia Abdurabba b) Ghoma Abdrabba c) Abd'rabbah d) Abu Jamil Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: British Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Birmingham, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006 *Other information: na

39. *Name: 1: ABD 2: AL-RAHMAN 3: AL-FAQIH 4: na

Title: na Designation: na DOB:  15 Dec. 1959 POB: Libya *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mohammed Albashir b) Muhammad Al-Bashir c) Bashir Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Faqi d) Al-Basher Mohammed e) Abu Mohammed f) Mohammed Ismail g) Abu Abd Al Rahman h) Abd Al Rahman Al-Khatab i) Mustafa j) Mahmud k) Abu Khalid Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Birmingham, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006 *Other information: na

87. *Name: 1: MOHAMMED 2: BENHAMMEDI 3: na 4: na

Title: na Designation: na DOB:  22 Sept. 1966 POB: Libya *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mohamed Hannadi b) Mohamed Ben Hammedi c) Muhammad Muhammad Bin Hammidi d) Ben Hammedi e) Panhammedi f) Abu Hajir g) Abu Hajir Al Libi h) Abu Al Qassam Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: British Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Midlands, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006 *Other information: na

148. *Name: 1: ABDULBAQI 2: MOHAMMED 3: KHALED 4: na

Title: na Designation: na DOB:  18 Aug. 1957 POB: Tripoli, Libya *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abul Baki Mohammed Khaled b) Abd' Al-Baki Mohammed c) Abul Baki Khaled d) Abu Khawla Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: British Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Birmingham, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006 *Other information: na

176. *Name: 1: TAHIR 2: NASUF 3: na 4: na

Title: na Designation: na DOB:  a) 4 Nov. 1961 b) 11 Apr. 1961 POB: Tripoli, Libya *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Tahir Mustafa Nasuf b) Tahar Nasoof c) Taher Nasuf d) Al-Qa'qa e) Abu Salima El Libi f) Abu Rida Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Manchester, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006 *Other information: na

D. The list of entities belonging to or associated with the Al-Qaida organization


*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: 44 Upper Belgrave Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2XN, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006 *Other information: Registration number: 05059698


*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: 88 Smithdown Road, Liverpool, L7 4JQ, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006 *Other information: Registration number: 05258730


*A.k.a.: a) Sanabel Relief Agency b) Sanabel L'il-Igatha c) SRA d) Sara e) Al-Rahama Relief Foundation Limited F.k.a.: na *Address: a) 63 South Rd, Sparkbrook, Birmingham B 111 EX, United Kingdom b) 1011 Stockport Rd, Levenshulme, Manchester M9 2TB, United Kingdom c) P.O. Box 50, Manchester M19 25P, United Kingdom d) 98 Gresham Road, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom e) 54 Anson Road, London, NW2 6AD, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006  *Other information: Website: . E-mail: . Charity number: 1083469. Registration number: 3713110


*A.k.a.: Sara Properties F.k.a.: na *Address: a) 104 Smithdown Road, Liverpool, Merseyside L7 4JQ, United Kingdom b) 2a Hartington Road, Liverpool L8 OSG, United Kingdom *Listed on: 7 Feb. 2006 *Other information: Website: . Registration number: 4636613

The list is updated regularly on the basis of relevant information provided by Member States and regional organizations.  This is the second update of the list in 2006.  An updated list is accessible at the Committee's website: .

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