6 June 2006
Security Council Committee Concerning Côte d'Ivoire Updates List of Individuals Subject to Measures Imposed by Resolutions 1572 (2004) and 1643 (2005)
NEW YORK, 5 June (UN Headquarters) -- The Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1572 (2004) concerning Côte d'Ivoire, on 30 May 2006, approved an updated Consolidated List of Individuals Subject to the Measures Imposed by Paragraphs 9 and 11 of Resolution 1572 (2004) and by Paragraph 4 of Resolution 1643 (2005).
The list has been modified as follows:
The fields "Last Name", "First Name", "Alias", "Place of Birth" were modified for Charles Goudé Blé; and the fields "Last Name", "First Name", "Passport/Identifying Information", "Designation/Justification" were modified for Djué N'goran Eugène Kouadio.
The list is reproduced in full below. The latest version of the list can also be accessed on the internet at the following URL: .
The Committee will continue to update the list on a regular basis.
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