14 June 2006

Security Council Adjusts Liberia Arms Embargo, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 1683 (2006)

NEW YORK, 13 June (UN Headquarters) -- Recognizing the need for newly vetted and trained security forces to assume greater responsibility for Liberia's national security, the Security Council today adjusted the arms embargo it imposed on that country on 22 December 2003 to allow for weapons and ammunition to be used for training purposes and by members of the Government, police and security forces.

Unanimously adoption resolution 1683 (2006) under Chapter VII of the Charter, the Council decided that weapons and ammunition already provided to members of Liberia's Special Security Service would remain in their custody for the Service's unencumbered operational use.

The Council further decided that limited supplies of such materiel, to be approved in advance, on a case-by-case basis, by its Sanctions Committee, could be used by members of the Government, police and security forces who had been vetted and trained since the inception of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) in October 2003.

It further decided that the Liberian Government should submit such a request for the use of those limited supplies to the Sanctions Committee and should subsequently mark such weapons and ammunition and maintain a registry of them.  The Government was to formally notify the Committee that those steps were taken.

In a related provision, the Council requested UNMIL to inspect inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained in accordance with the above provisions to ensure all such materiel was accounted for, and to make periodic reports to the Sanctions Committee on its findings.

The Council reiterated the importance of UNMIL's continuing assistance to the Liberian Government, the Committee established by resolution 1521 (2003), and the Panel of Experts, including in monitoring the implementation of the sanctions imposed by that resolution.

Called to order at 10:06 a.m., the meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.

Security Council Resolution

The full text of resolution 1683 (2006) reads as follows:

"The Security Council,

"Recalling its previous resolutions and statements by its President on the situation in Liberia and West Africa,

"Welcoming the leadership of newly elected President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her efforts to restore peace, security and harmony throughout Liberia,

"Underscoring the continuing need for the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) to support the Government of Liberia in building a stable environment that will allow democracy to flourish,

"Recognizing the need for newly vetted and trained Liberian security forces to assume greater responsibility for national security, including policing, intelligence gathering, and executive protection,

"Determining that, despite significant progress having been made in Liberia, the situation there continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,

"Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

"1. Decides that the measures imposed by paragraph 2 (a) and (b) of resolution 1521 (2003) shall not apply to the weapons and ammunition already provided to members of the Special Security Service (SSS) for training purposes pursuant to advance approval under paragraph 2 (e) by the Committee established by paragraph 21 of that resolution and that those weapons and ammunition may remain in the custody of the SSS for unencumbered operational use;

"2.  Further decides that the measures imposed by paragraph 2 (a) and (b) of resolution 1521 (2003) shall not apply to limited supplies of weapons and ammunition, as approved in advance on a case-by-case basis by the Committee, intended for use by members of the Government of Liberia police and security forces who have been vetted and trained since the inception of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) in October 2003;

"3. Decides that a request made in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be submitted to the Committee by the Government of Liberia and the exporting State, and, in case of approval, the Government of Liberia shall subsequently mark the weapons and ammunition, maintain a registry of them, and formally notify the Committee that these steps have been taken;

"4. Reiterates the importance of UNMIL's continuing assistance to the Government of Liberia, the Committee established by paragraph 21 of resolution 1521 (2003) and the Panel of Experts, within its capabilities and areas of deployment, and without prejudice to its mandate, including in monitoring the implementation of the measures in paragraphs 2, 4, 6 and 10 of resolution 1521 (2003), and in this regard requests UNMIL to inspect inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 above to ensure all such weapons and ammunition are accounted for, and to make periodic reports to the Committee established by paragraph 21 of resolution 1521 (2003) on its findings;

"5. Decides to remain seized of the matter."

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