For information only - not an official document
Vienna, 7 February 2013
Noah Warner of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory will give an insight into the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity's first six months on Mars, from initial touchdown on the surface of the red planet to first attempts to drill rocks in Gale Crater.
Noah Warner is the Tactical Uplink Lead for the Curiosity Surface Operations Team. His responsibilities during the development phase of the project included system engineering roles on several components and science instruments as well as system level design and testing. Since Curiosity's landing in Gale Crater, Noah Warner has been leading the surface operations team.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
Please register for the event by 16:00, Monday 11 February by writing to:
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For more information please contact:
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
Telephone: (+43-1) 26060-4962
Email: romana.kofler[at]