For information only - not an official document

31 October 2014

New Permanent Representative of Tunisia presents credentials

(Based on information provided by the Protocol and Liaison Service)

VIENNA, 31 October (UN Information Service) - The new Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the United Nations (Vienna), Ghazi Jomaa, presented his credentials today to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Yury Fedotov.

Mr. Jomaa is also serving as Ambassador-designate to Austria.

During his career with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jomaa has served in various capacities, among them: Chargé de Mission to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (2012-2014); Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2011-2012); Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York (2009-2011); Ambassador to Turkey and non-resident Ambassador to Moldova (2006-2009); Chargé de Mission to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (2003-2006); Ambassador to Argentina and non-resident Ambassador to Uruguay and Chile, (2000-2003); Deputy Chief of Mission at the Permanent Mission of Tunisia in Geneva (1998-2000); Attaché de Cabinet at the Office of the Foreign Minister (1995-1998); First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations (1988-1995); American Affairs Directorate (1983-1988) .

Mr. Jomaa holds a Master's degree in Spanish Literature and Civilization Studies from the Faculty of Letters, Tunis, and a postgraduate degree in High International Studies from the Diplomatic Academy in Madrid.

He speaks Arabic, French, Spanish, English, Italian, German, Portuguese and Turkish.

Mr. Jomaa is married and has two children.

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