For information only - not an official document

30 November 2015

Re-issued as received

Norway's Janne Vangen Solheim appointed as UNIDO Goodwill Ambassador

VIENNA, 30 November (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) - Janne Vangen Solheim, Chief Executive Officer of the Norwegian garment manufacturing company, Janusfabrikken AS, was today appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

As UNIDO Goodwill Ambassador for Manufacturing, she will provide insights into her own experience in the manufacturing sector, champion UNIDO's mandate of inclusive and sustainable industrial development, and support UNIDO's work to promote women's entrepreneurship.

The important role of manufacturing as one of the main drivers of economic growth has been recognized in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Manufacturing in the context of inclusive and sustainable industrial development also contributes to creating full and productive employment, protecting the environment, and achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

Vangen Solheim's appointment was announced by UNIDO Director General, LI Yong, during the 16th session of the Organization's General Conference taking place in the capital of Austria this week.

The Director General expressed his appreciation of Vangen Solheim's leadership of the Scandinavian textile manufacturing industry, and of how her personal philosophy has shaped her company's success.

Vangen Solheim has served on the company board since 1992. Having worked as a teacher and a journalist, she began her career at Janusfabrikken AS in 2000 as a junior sales consultant, and worked her way up as public relations manager, and deputy managing director, taking over as CEO in 2010.

Janusfabrikken AS is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of underwear. The Janus brand is sold to large chains and individual retailers selling textiles, sports and industrial products on both the domestic and international markets.

Vangen Solheim has served as a member of the board of directors of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), the Federation of Norwegian Industries (Norsk Industri), Young Entrepreneurs of West Norway (Ungt Entreprenørskap Hordaland), and Bergen Red Cross.

UNIDO's Goodwill Ambassador Programme was inaugurated in October 2004. Since then, a number of outstanding public figures, eminent businessmen and women, and industrialists from various regions of the world have been selected to collaborate in the implementation of UNIDO's mission.

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For more information, please contact:

Stein Hansen
Chief, Strategic Donor Relations Unit, UNIDO