For information only - not an official document

27 January 2016

Re-issued as received

Japan contributes JPY 300 million to further strengthen UNIDO's low carbon technology transfer programme for Africa

VIENNA, 27 January (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) - The Government of Japan will further expand its contribution to the Low Carbon Low Emission Clean Energy Technology (LCET) Programme being implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), specifically in Africa.

The programme aims to promote globally the rapid deployment and dissemination of new low carbon technologies.

The second replenishment of 300 million Japanese Yen (JPY) (around US$ 2.5 million) will help further strengthen activities in Ethiopia and Kenya.

An agreement on this was signed today in Vienna by Ambassador Mitsuru Kitano, the Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna, and LI Yong, the Director General of UNIDO.

The LCET programme focuses on fostering inclusive and sustainable industrial development through enhancing productivity, creating new jobs, boosting the use of clean and affordable energy, and providing training to the local communities. It offers new opportunities for introducing innovative financing mechanisms such as the Government of Japan's Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), which aims to facilitate the global diffusion of low-carbon technologies and products in developing countries and includes an evaluation system.

The LCET programme was designed to help accelerate global clean energy innovation with the objective to make clean energy widely affordable. It will also contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the recent historic Paris climate agreement which recognizes technology transfer as an effective, long-term global response to climate change and its contribution to promoting economic growth and sustainable development.

Under the LCET programme, the ongoing projects in Ethiopia and Kenya focus on demonstrating unique Japanese ultra-low head micro hydro power (ULH-MHP) technology systems, which are environmentally-friendly. These systems will provide access to renewable energy for productive use in rural areas. Compared to the conventional hydropower technologies, the micro hydropower system can be installed within a short period of time in standard water canals, including in irrigation systems, as well as in drinking and waste water canals.

During the signing ceremony, Ambassador Kitano emphasized that the LCET programme reflects the strong collaboration between the Government of Japan and UNIDO in the areas of energy, environment and technical cooperation in Africa, which is deemed a priority for Japan.

The Ambassador also said that he received strong appreciation for the LCET programme when he visited Ethiopia and Kenya in March 2015. He added that the LCET programme showcases UNIDO's strength in promoting productive activities and knowledge management.

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For more information, please contact:

Hiromi Sugiura
Senior UNIDO Energy Expert
Email: h.sugiura[at]