For information only - not an official document

27 June 2016

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

Message on the 60th Anniversary of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation

27 June 2016

VIENNA, 27 June (UN Information Service) - I congratulate the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation on its 60th anniversary.

The tragic accidents at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants have vividly highlighted concerns about the harmful effects of exposure to atomic radiation.

Protecting people depends on dependable scientific information, honestly assessed by the finest expertise. 

The Committee continues to play a vital role by filtering vast and varied sources of information, and synthesizing only the best into its reports.

Its work provided the scientific groundwork for the Partial Test Ban Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapon testing in the atmosphere.

From assessing the significance of fall-out in the 1950s, to evaluating the effects of radiation on the human genome today, the Committee has always taken an independent and impartial approach. This is crucial on issues that are often highly emotional and political.

We live in a nuclear world, with important nuclear applications in science, medicine and the power industry. However, we also live with the threat of nuclear and radiological weapons.  Being informed is a must.

I thank the scientists and governments who have made UNSCEAR the world's foremost authority on the effects of ionizing radiation.

You have quietly and effectively fulfilled the mandate entrusted to you by the United Nations General Assembly.

Thank you for your contributions in advancing the well-being of humankind. 

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