For information only – not an official document

23 April 2021

The Secretary-General

Message on World Malaria Day

25 April 2021

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the multiple crises it has caused, a growing number of countries are approaching and achieving malaria elimination.  Today, on World Malaria Day, we commend all countries that have reached the ambitious target of zero malaria.  Together, they are showing the world that a malaria-free future is possible.

In countries with zero malaria, all people at risk of the disease – regardless of their citizenship or ability to pay – have been reached with the services they need to prevent, detect and treat the disease.  Sustained funding, strong surveillance systems and community engagement have been the key to success.

Yet, while we celebrate these achievements, let us not forget the millions of people around the world who continue to suffer and die from this deadly illness.  Each year, malaria claims the lives of more than 400,000 people, mainly young children in Africa.  And, every year, there are more than 200 million new cases of this deadly parasitic disease.

Malaria can be defeated.  With robust political commitment, adequate investment and the right mix of strategies, we can reach our common goal of a world free of malaria.

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