A strengthening of our work on human rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women.
World leaders adopted the Pact at the Summit of the Future held in New York in September 2024. Its adoption demonstrates that countries are committed to an international system with the United Nations at its centre.
In collaboration with the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna hosted a panel discussion titled “The UN Summit of the Future – Main Takeaways and practical aspects to reinvigorate multilateralism” at the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna.
The Summit is a high-level event, bringing together world leaders to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future.
World leaders adopted a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. This Pact is the culmination of an inclusive, years-long process to adapt international cooperation to the realities of today and the challenges of tomorrow.