19 April 2002


Resolution 1404 (2002) Adopted Unanimously

NEW YORK, 18 April (UN Headquarters) -- Welcoming the 4 April ceasefire agreement in Angola and determining that the situation in Angola continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region, the Security Council this afternoon extended until 19 October the mandate of the monitoring mechanism created in April 2000 to investigate violations of the sanctions placed on the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).

By unanimously adopting resolution 1404 (2002), the Council requested the monitoring mechanism to provide a detailed action plan for its future work to the Committee established pursuant to resolution 864 (1993) within 30 days, in particular on financial measures and the measures concerning the trade in diamonds and arms, against UNITA.

The Council further requested the Secretary-General to appoint four experts to serve on the monitoring mechanism, in consultation with the Committee.

Pursuant to resolution 864 of 15 September 1993, the Council placed sanctions on UNITA and created a committee to monitor sanctions violations concerning, among other things, the sale or supply of weapons, petroleum and petroleum products.

In May 1999, the Council established an independent panel of experts "to trace violations in arms trafficking, oil supplies and the diamond trade, as well as the movement of UNITA funds". In April 2000, after considering the final report of the panel, the Council adopted resolution 1295 (2000), by which it tightened existing sanctions, established a new monitoring mechanism, and put into place a process whereby the Council would consider appropriate action in relation to States suspected of violating the sanctions.

The meeting started at 12:58 p.m. and adjourned at 1:01 p.m.


The full text of resolution 1404 (2002) reads, as follows:

"The Security Council,

"Reaffirming its resolution 864 (1993) of 15 September 1993 and all subsequent relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 1127 (1997) of 28 August 1997, 1173 (1998) of 12 June 1998, 1237 (1999) of 7 May 1999, 1295 (2000) of 18 April 2000, 1336 (2001) of 23 January 2001, 1348 (2001) of 19 April 2001 and 1374 (2001) of 19 October 2001,

"Recalling the Statement of its President of 28 March 2002 (S/2002/7), in particular its readiness to consider appropriate and specific exemptions from and amendments to the measures imposed by paragraph 4 (a) of its resolution 1127 (1997) in consultation with the Government of Angola and with a view to facilitating the peace negotiations,

"Reaffirming also its commitment to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Angola,

"Expressing once again its concern regarding the humanitarian effects of the present situation on the civilian population of Angola,

"Welcoming the ceasefire agreement of 4 April 2002,

"Recognizing the importance attached, inter alia, to the monitoring, for as long as it is necessary, of the implementation of the provisions contained in resolutions 864 (1993), 1127 (1997) and 1173 (1998),

"Determining that the situation in Angola continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,

"Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

"1. Looks forward to receiving the additional report of the monitoring mechanism established pursuant to resolution 1295 (2000) to be submitted pursuant to paragraph 8 of resolution 1374 (2001);

"2. Expresses its intention to give full consideration to this additional report;

"3. Decides to extend the mandate of the monitoring mechanism for a further period of six months, ending on 19 October 2002;

"4. Requests the monitoring mechanism to provide the Committee established pursuant to resolution 864 (1993) hereinafter referred to as "the Committee" within 30 days of the adoption of this resolution with a detailed action plan for its future work, in particular, but not exclusively, on the financial measures and on the measures concerning the trade in diamonds and the trade in arms against the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA);

"5. Requests the monitoring mechanism to report periodically to the Committee and to provide a further additional report to the Committee by 15 October 2002;

"6. Requests the Secretary-General, upon adoption of this resolution and acting in consultation with the Committee, to appoint four experts to serve on the monitoring mechanism and further requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary financial arrangements to support the work of the monitoring mechanism;

"7. Requests the Chairman of the Committee to submit the additional report to the Council by 19 October 2002;

"8. Calls upon all States to cooperate fully with the monitoring mechanism in the discharge of its mandate;

"9. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter."

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