23 June 2005

Security Council Presidential Statement Commends Lebanon on Successful Parliamentary Elections

Strongly Condemns Recent Assassination of George Hawi, Says Lebanese People Must Be Allowed to Decide Future Free of Violence

NEW YORK, 22 June (UN Headquarters) -- The Security Council commended the Government of Lebanon this afternoon for the successful conduct of parliamentary elections held between 29 May and 19 June 2004 and congratulated the newly elected members of the Lebanese Parliament.

In a statement read out by Jean-Marc de La Sablière (France), its President for the month of June, the Council commended also the fair and credible character of the vote and paid tribute to the Lebanese people for demonstrating, throughout the process, their strong commitment to democracy, freedom and independence. It also expressed its appreciation for the advice and support given to the Lebanese authorities by the United Nations Electoral Assistance Division and paid tribute to the crucial contributions of international observers from the European Union.

The Council looked forward to the formation of a new government in the near future and stressed that its establishment, in accordance with the constitutional rules and without foreign interference, would be another sign of Lebanon’s political independence and sovereignty. It reaffirmed that the Lebanese people must be allowed to decide the future of their country free of violence and intimidation.

In that context, the Council strongly condemned the recent terrorist acts in Lebanon, particularly the heinous assassination of George Hawi, former leader of the Communist Party, and called for their perpetrators to be brought to justice. The Council reaffirmed its profound commitment to a stable, secure and prosperous Lebanon, underlining the need for the newly elected Lebanese authorities to exercise their full sovereignty over the entire territory, to preserve unity through national dialogue, to strengthen the nation’s institutions, and to respect the principles of good governance.

Presidential Statement

The full text of presidential statement S/2005/PRST/26 reads, as follows:

“The Security Council welcomes the Lebanese parliamentary elections held between 29 May and 19 June 2005. It commends the fair and credible character of the vote and pays tribute to the Lebanese people who demonstrated, throughout the process, their strong commitment to democracy, freedom and independence.

“The Security Council congratulates the newly elected members of the Lebanese Parliament.

“The Security Council commends the Lebanese Government for the successful conduct of the elections, in accordance with the constitution and the planned schedule. It expresses its appreciation for the advice and technical support given to the Lebanese authorities by the UN Electoral Assistance Division. The Security Council also pays tribute to the crucial contribution of the international observers, notably from the European Union. In this regard, it welcomes the report of the EU observer mission and its conclusions regarding the satisfactory conduct of the four electoral stages.

“The Security Council looks forward to the formation of a new government in the near future. It stresses that the establishment of this government in accordance with the constitutional rules and without any foreign interference would be another sign of the political independence and sovereignty of Lebanon.

“The Security Council reaffirms that the Lebanese people must be allowed to decide the future of their country free of violence and intimidation. It strongly condemns, in this context, the recent terrorist acts in Lebanon, in particular the heinous assassination of former leader of the Communist Party George Hawi, and calls for their perpetrators to be brought to justice.

“The Security Council reaffirms its profound commitment to a stable, secure and prosperous Lebanon. It underlines accordingly the need for the newly elected Lebanese authorities to exercise their full sovereignty over the entire territory, to preserve unity through national dialogue, to strengthen the nation’s institutions and to respect the principles of good governance, in the sole interest of the Lebanese people.

“The Security Council calls upon the international community to stand ready to examine possible requests from the newly elected Lebanese authorities for enhanced assistance and cooperation, in support of a credible government programme of political and economic reform.

“The Security Council reiterates its call for the full implementation of all requirements of resolution 1559 (2004) and urges all concerned parties to cooperate fully with the Security Council and the Secretary-General to achieve this goal.

“The Security Council also calls for the full implementation of resolution 1595 (2005) and looks forward to the cooperation of the newly elected Lebanese authorities in this regard.

“The Security Council reaffirms its strong support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders and under the sole and exclusive authority of the Government of Lebanon.”

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