For information only - not an official document

12 May 2011

Gift from the Government of Mongolia to the United Nations to be Inaugurated at Vienna International Centre

VIENNA, 12 May (UN Information Service) - A gift from the Government of Mongolia is to be unveiled in a special ceremony at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) today. The Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) Yury Fedotov will inaugurate the gift which will be on display in the Rotunda of the VIC.

The gift from the Mongolian Government is a gerege - a kind of diplomatic passport dating from the 13/14 th century. The gold-plated metal tablet was carried by Mongol officials and envoys allowing them to travel freely, be treated with respect and courtesy and be provided with food and horses.

At a special ceremony at the Vienna International Centre today at 11 a.m. the Permanent Representative of Mongolia, Ambassador Jargalsaikhan Enkhsaikhan and the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna Yury Fedotov will speak and the gerege will be officially unveiled by Mr. Fedotov. The heads of the VIC-based organizations, representatives of the Permanent Missions and the UNOV/UNODC staff will be attending the ceremony.

The donation of the gerege is taking place in the same year as the 50 th anniversary of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations which forms the basis for contemporary diplomacy. The Convention provides the fundamental framework for cooperation between States and has been almost universally ratified.

Speaking at the unveiling event Mr. Fedotov said: "I am honoured to accept this historically significant gerege on behalf of the Vienna-based organizations. Let us take inspiration from its symbolism and work together-using diplomacy and all the other tools at our disposal-to strengthen peace, development and security around the world."

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For more information please contact:

Anne Thomas
Information Officer, UNIS Vienna
Telephone: (+43-1) 26060-5588
Mobile: (+43) 699-1459-5588
Email: anne.thomas[at]