For information only - not an official document

13 September 2013

Re-issued as received

Mozambique's President Inaugurates New Metrology Laboratory

MAPUTO/VIENNA, 12 September 2013 (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) - A project implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) will help enhance the competitiveness of private sector companies in Mozambique by developing the country's capacity in the field of quality infrastructure.

The project, "Competing with quality", designed by UNIDO and funded by the European Union, supports, among other organizations, the National Institute for Standards and Quality (Instituto Nacional de Normalização e Qualidade - INNOQ), the main quality infrastructure body in Mozambique.

The project assisted in the establishment of the new metrology laboratory in the city of Zimpeto, which was inaugurated today by the President of Mozambique Armando Guebuza.

During the inauguration, Ricardo De Sousa Velho, UNIDO National Project Coordinator, said, "Adequate measurement infrastructures led by trained and capable staff is essential to enable countries to perform accurate measurements."

"Trade, economic and private sector development are central to Mozambique's sustainable development and poverty alleviation agenda. Although the government is increasingly prioritizing the promotion of inclusive economic growth through the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and industry, Mozambique still faces obstacles to compete in international markets because of the shortcomings of national quality infrastructure," he added. 

"One of the most basic necessities of a trading system is metrology - the provision of reliable and accurate measurements. Without the ability to determine length, mass, volume, time and temperature, even the simplest of transactions would be open to abuse, reliable trade would be impossible and legislation aimed at protecting the health and welfare of citizens would have no effect."

The strengthening of the metrology system in Mozambique not only promotes consumers' confidence but also protects businesses from unfair competition, reduces barriers to trade and helps Mozambique compete in the global trading system.

After the inauguration of the INNOQ's new premises, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Armando Inroga, also handed out the 2013 Quality Awards in five categories. The ceremony was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, INNOQ and the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique.

"The Quality Award is crucial for creating the link between the services offered by the national quality infrastructure institutions and private sector enterprises, and contributes to  economic growth with quality," said De Sousa Velho.

The winners of the Quality Award received a certificate and a trophy made from local materials. The criteria for the Mozambican awards scheme are aligned with those of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) scheme, which allows the winners from Mozambique to compete as candidates in the same categories in the annual awards of SADC.

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For more information, please contact:

Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento
Director, UNIDO Trade Capacity Building Branch
Email: b.calzadilla[at]

Dominika Dor
Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO
Email: d.dor[at]