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For information only - not an official document
20 August 2020
VIENNA, 20 August (UN Information Service) - This is a message from the four main Vienna-based United Nations organizations.
The Vienna International Centre (VIC) Medical Service reports there is a positive COVID-19 case involving a UNIDO staff member, whose symptoms are not severe. There was no workplace exposure because the person was on holiday and not at work.
The four main Vienna-based organizations are the United Nations Office at Vienna/UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN Industrial Development Organization and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.
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For further information, please contact:
Director, UNIS Vienna
Telephone: (+43-1) 26060-5676
Mobile: (+43-699) 1459-5676
Email: martin.nesirky[at]
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