Posting press releases

Copy the template page

1. Go to folder "pr" under Pages

2. Select "_unis-pr-template.html" or "_unis-msg-template.html" (if it is a message by the Secretary-General)

3. Go to Meta Data-tab and select "Copy to new" (top left)

4. Add path "/pressrels/2022/" and press release number (eg. unissgsm1234) under URI and the title of the press release under Title

This will move the new press release page to the correct folder.


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Changing image and summary

  • Per default the thumbnail image (that will show up in newsfeeds) is set to the default press release image.
  • If you would like to change it to, eg. to the image of a specific organisation, add the path to the respective thumbnail image:


Generic press release image:







Media Advisory:



SG Message image:



SG Message image that will be tagged as Featured-content (square format):













  • Copy the first paragraph of the press release and copy it to the page-Summary (this text will also show up in newsfeeds) 


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Pasting the actual press release and formatting

  1. Go to the document with your press release and copy the number/date, headline and text
  2. In the WebDMS go to the second row of your newly created press release page (the first row = Summary)
  3. Go to Text under Column and paste the press release text
  4. Right-align the number/date
  5. Select the headline and choose "Heading 1"
  6. Left-align the text


The "for information only" text is always in the second row.

In the fourth row there is the aggregated item-list of recent press releases.


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Tagging the press release

  • Every new press release page should be tagged with "Press Release" so that it shows up in the press release archive
  • if the press release comes from a specific organization tag it with the organization's name, eg. "UNODC", and it will show up in the press release archive page of the organization
  • If you also want the press release to show up in the newsfeed on the Main Page, tag it with "News"


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<strong>The press release archive</strong>
The press release archive

Adding a press release in a different language

  • Copy the current press release (Go to Meta Data-tab and select "Copy to new")  and select the respective language
  • Do not change the name or the path of the language version of the press release!
  • Change the "For information only"-text bit to the respective language (see below)
  • Replace the English text of the press release with the language version in the third row of the page


Language For information only - not an official document 
Hungarian Tájékoztatásul – nem hivatalos dokumentum
Slovak Len pre informáciu – neoficiálny dokument.
Slovenian Informativne narave – ni uradni dokument
German Zur Information - kein offizielles Dokument



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