8. Protection of civilians

One of the overarching goals of UN peacekeeping is to protect life. UN peacekeepers help the parties to the conflict live up to their commitments and, through their presence help to prevent a resumption of hostilities.

Experience has taught that certain conditions are essential for peacekeeping to succeed. In addition to having a viable peace process to enforce, they must have clear, credible and achievable mandates and they must be resourced and supported sufficiently to complete the tasks they are assigned. The political support of the entire UN Membership, especially Security Council members and neighboring States, is critical as is the consent of the major parties to the conflict and the host community.

UN peacekeeping accompanies and supports political processes - but it can never replace them and it cannot keep peace if there is no peace to keep.

Rwandan children rest at Ndosha camp in Goma.

United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR)

Ndosha Camp, Zaire, 25 July 1994, UN Photo/John Isaac, 78969

Senegalese peacekeepers showing strength in the streets of Harper, Southeastern Liberia.

United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)

Harper, Liberia, 28 July 2006, UN Photo/Eric Kanalstein