For information only - not an official document

27 November 2017

Reissued as received


17 th General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization

VIENNA, 27 November (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) - The seventeenth session of the General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) will take place from 27 November to 1 December 2017 in the Vienna International Centre (VIC), Austria.

The General Conference will be attended by several Heads of State, Ministers, leaders of the private sector, representatives of development banks, Member States and donors as well as academia - 1,500 participants are expected during this week-long event.

The UNIDO General Conference, which will convene under the theme 'Partnering for impact - achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)', will focus on the importance of partnerships to achieve the 2030 Development Agenda. In addition to plenary sessions, the UNIDO General Conference will feature several high-level events, including:

•           World Women Leaders Talk - The panel will include three Presidents

•           Sixth UNIDO Forum on Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID)

•           UNIDO Donors Meeting 2017 - Beneficiary impact will be showcased

•           TEDx Talks on the Circular Economy

•           Advancing Gender Equality in Industry

•           Industry 4.0 - the Opportunities behind the Challenge

•           Industrial Development Report 2018 - Demand for Manufacturing: Driving ISID

•           IDDA III: Helping Africa leapfrog its industrial development

A news conference, featuring UNIDO Director General LI Yong and the President of Malta, H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, will start at 14:15, on Monday 27 November 2017 in the press conference room on the ground floor of the M Building.

Journalists are invited to cover all sessions and events at the General Conference, held in the Plenary Hall of the VIC (first floor, M Building). The webcast and recordings of key sessions will be available on and social media channels.

The UNIDO General Conference will also feature an EXPO which will consist of five zones: an Innovation Zone including the Private Sector, Virtual Reality, SDG9, Big Data reporting, Knowledge Hub on key topics such as Biotechnology, Sustainable cities, Industrial parks, Youth and Entrepreneurship Zone, Digital and Social Media Zone and a Networking Zone.

This multi-stakeholder approach will help in identifying issues and trends within the global development agenda, and in exploring smart and innovative solutions, as well as in underlining the fundamental role of industry for promoting growth and sustainability as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


The full agenda of the General Conference can be found here:

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For further information, please contact:

Jason Slater
Chief, Corporate Communications and Media Relations Division
Tel: +43 1 26026 3063
Mobile: +43 699 1459 3063
Email: j.slater[at]

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