Stepping into the shoes of a diplomat

Making international friendships, learning about world affairs and gaining insight into different perspectives – this is what the Vienna International Centre Model United Nations Conference (VICMUN) was all about: broadening the horizons of young people.

VIENNA, 05-09 August 2024 – Around 110 like-minded delegates from 12 different countries came together to take part in the first ever VICMUN to engage in international affairs and act as global diplomats. During the five days, the participants discussed various topics and faced challenges to find common ground and solutions for a sustainable future.

The conference started off with remarks by Bernd Hermann, founder of VICMUN and Secretary-General of the Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria (UNA-Austria), Martin Nesirky, Director of the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, Ambassador Gabriela Sellner, Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations in Vienna, and Alena Sirka-Bred, Head of European and International Affairs at the City of Vienna, as well as Angela Kane, former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Management and former High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.


In her speech Angela Kane noted: “Something to remember in international affairs – always be prepared for the unexpected.” With that in mind, the delegates gathered in four different committees to discuss challenges and ways forward on the peaceful use of nuclear energy, global anti-corruption efforts, marine plastic pollution and the threat of non-state terrorist groups.

One delegate who participated as the chair of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime committee emphasized the value of networking: “I met a lot of people with similar interests, and I appreciate the fact that we have similar mindsets and similar goals, and I can learn from them.” She also pointed out how special it was to have the conference in a United Nations (UN) building; “It’s a wonderful experience and a great opportunity.”

Bernd Hermann said, “It is important for young people to start at an early age to engage in international politics and international affairs. And one of the best ways is to simulate the UN by engaging in the important fields of the work of the UN.” By stepping into a diplomat's shoes and representing a different country as its ambassador, the participants could rethink their own point of view and expand their understanding.


Photos: UNIS Vienna/Anna Proprentner