16 May 2023
VIENNA, 16 May (UN Information Service) — Journalists are invited to cover the 32nd session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) which will be held in a hybrid format, combining in-person and online participation, between 22 and 26 May in Vienna, Austria.
The 32nd Session will bring together participants from Member States, UN entities, inter-governmental organizations, and civil society in Vienna and online.
The opening on the first day of the 32nd session will include remarks by:
The topic of the thematic discussion this year is “Enhancing the functioning of the criminal justice system to ensure access to justice and to realize a safe and secure society.”
Resolutions under consideration by the Commission address the following topics:
The list of draft resolutions can be found here.
Over 110 side events and 14 exhibitions will take place during the 32nd session.
Media accreditation
Media representatives can follow the opening of the session online or in person on 22 May 2023 at 10:00 AM (CET). For media accreditation to attend in person please contact the United Nations Information Service (UNIS), Vienna (press.vienna[at]un.org).
To follow the opening online, please click here.
Member States will make transcriptions and statements available to journalists at their own discretion.
Join the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtag #CCPCJ32 and follow @UNODC, @GhadaFathiWaly, @CCPCJ and @UN_Vienna for updates.
Further information can be found here.
For further information please contact:
Brian Hansford
Advocacy Section Chief, UNODC
Telephone: (+43 1) 26060-83225
Email: brian.hansford[at]un.org
Anne Thomas
Public Information Officer, UNIS Vienna
Telephone: (+43-1) 26060-5588
Mobile: (+43-699) 1459-5588
Email: anne.thomas[at]un.org
"This year marks the eightieth anniversary of the Holocaust's end. We mourn the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators, as they sought to destroy an entire people. " — António Guterres
The new Permanent Representative of Peru to the United Nations (Vienna), María Eugenia Echeverría, presented her credentials today to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Ghada Waly.
The new Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the United Nations (Vienna), Richard Brown, presented his credentials today to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Ghada Waly.