18 August 2023
We come together to remember the victims and survivors of terrorism;
To stand with the families changed forever;
And to resolve to build a more peaceful future – together.
The theme of this year’s International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism is: “Legacy: Finding Hope and Building a Peaceful Future.”
On this Day, we pay our respects to all those lost or harmed through terrorist attacks around the world.
We pay tribute to the extraordinary work of those victims and survivors who have resolved to use their experiences to bring about change.
And we welcome the launch of the Legacy Project, which is helping their testimonies be heard around the world.
Let us all commit to support victims and survivors, to amplify their voices, to work together to ensure that the lives taken and changed by terrorism are never forgotten. And to build a better future for us all.
Thank you.
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The United Nations lnformation Service (UNIS) Vienna in cooperation with the Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria (UNA-Austria) invites media representatives to a Press briefing on priorities and key events for 2025 of the Vienna-based UN organizations and agencies. Highlights for 2025 from other Vienna-based United Nations organizations will also be publicized at the briefing.
"Education is a basic human right and an essential building block for every person to reach their full potential, and for societies and economies to grow and flourish." — António Guterres