22 January 2025
This year, renewables are projected to become the world’s largest source of electricity generation for the first time. Meanwhile, their prices keep plummeting.
On the International Day of Clean Energy, we celebrate this revolution. But we also recognise the challenges ahead.
The end of the fossil fuel age is certain. But governments must ensure that it comes swiftly and fairly. This is crucial to save us from the worst of the climate crisis, and to connect every person to clean energy – lifting millions out of poverty.
This year offers an unparalleled opportunity for countries to align their climate ambitions with their national energy and development strategies. All countries have committed to produce new national climate action plans aligned with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. They must deliver with plans that cover all greenhouse gases and sectors; map a just fossil fuel phase-out; and contribute to the global goal to triple renewables capacity by 2030.
The G20 have the largest capacities and responsibilities – they must lead. All this must be achieved in line with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. But all countries must do more.
We also need action to get finance flowing to the renewables revolution in emerging markets and developing economies. That includes increasing the lending capacity of Multilateral Development Banks, tackling the high cost of capital, and taking effective action on debt.
On the International Day of Clean Energy, let’s commit to an international era of clean energy with speed, justice, and collaboration at its core.
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