23 June 2023
Tens of millions of people suffer from drug use disorders. Less than one fifth are in treatment.
Drug users are doubly victimized: first by the harmful effects of the drugs themselves, and second by the stigma and discrimination they face.
People who use drugs can often face significant barriers to treatment and even health services for infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. Meanwhile, drug traffickers continue to prey on drug users, rapidly escalating the production of dangerous, highly addictive synthetic drugs.
This year’s International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking focuses on the need to put people first by ending stigma and discrimination, and strengthening prevention.
This means stressing rehabilitation, rather than punishment and incarceration for minor drug offences.
It means upholding the human rights of people who use drugs, including by expanding prevention and treatment programmes and health services.
It means protecting people and communities alike by ending impunity for drug traffickers profiting from people’s pain.
Above all, it means governments leading the way. When I was Prime Minister of Portugal, we implemented non-criminal responses to drug possession for personal use, while cracking down on traffickers and re-allocating resources to prevention, treatment and harm-reduction measures.
As a result, drug consumption and associated infectious disease rates plummeted, more drugs were seized by police and customs, and — most importantly — lives were saved. Today, Portugal has one of Europe’s lowest overdose and death rates from drug use.
As a global community, let’s continue our work to end drug abuse, illicit trafficking, and the stigma endured by drug users around the world.
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The new Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations (Vienna), Yurii Vitrenko, presented his credentials today to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Ghada Waly.
During its 142nd session, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) focused on ensuring the functioning of the international drug control system and efforts to ensure the availability of controlled medicines and to prevent illicit drug manufacture, diversion and misuse.
The European Union (EU) awarded the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) €27 million to tackle organized crime networks trafficking in wildlife globally and reduce the demand driving this illicit trade, in collaboration with civil society organizations.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) today launched their latest collaborative effort, the publication “Leveraging Space Technology for Agricultural Development and Food Security.”