4  February 2008

"Ask the Secretary-General" to Be Launched on UN Cyberschoolbus Website

(Re-issued as received)

Vienna, 4  February  (UN Information Service) -- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will respond to questions from children and youth around the world in a new feature on the UN Cyberschoolbus ( www.cyberschoolbus.un.org) titled Ask the Secretary-General.  Students in primary, intermediate and secondary schools around the world can send in questions about the United Nations, the role of the Secretary-General and global issues on the United Nations agenda.  Questions will be collected by the UN Cyberschoolbus between now and 31 March 2008 and a representative selection will be chosen for the Secretary-General to respond to and posted on the UN Cyberschoolbus site.    

This initiative will also help the United Nations get a sense of what questions and issues young people are thinking about today and at the same time help make the United Nations more accessible to them by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions directly of the Secretary-General.

After taking the oath of office as Secretary-General, Mr. Ban stated "I earnestly hope that young boys and girls of today will grow up knowing that the UN is working hard to build a better future for them. As Secretary-General, I will embrace their hopes and hear their appeals."  This new feature follows up on this pledge.

About UN Cyberschoolbus :

The UN Cyberschoolbus website is an educational resource created by the United Nations Department of Public Information to develop classroom materials for schools about the Organization and the global issues on its agenda and help create a global online community where teachers and their students can exchange information about issues on the UN's agenda and participate in finding solutions to global problems.

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For further information, please contact:

Bill Yotive
Tel.: (+1-212) 963 1400
E-mail: yotive@un.org