UN organizations press conferences at AIDS 2010

AIDS 2010 full list of press conferences (PDF)

AIDS 2010

To see more pictures, go to UNIS on Flickr

For information only - No official documents

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UNAIDS: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

UNAIDS and funders convene to discuss ending vertical transmission of HIV at AIDS 2010

HRH Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway joins young people to open Youth Pavilion at AIDS 2010

Eastern European countries show increasing new HIV infections while some harm reduction programmes are decreasing

AIDS 2010 begins in Vienna with call for Treatment 2.0

Hightlights from AIDS 2010, XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria

Media Advisory - UNAIDS at the 18th International AIDS Conference in Vienna

Press Release - Eastern Europe countries show increasing new HIV infections while some harm reduction programmes are decreasing

18th International AIDS Conference

Press Release - Joint Statement of UN agencies on criminal charges brought against HIV activists and health and social workers in eastern Europe and central Asia

UNAIDS Outlook Report 2010

Press Release - Launch of UNAIDS Outlook Report 2010

UNAIDS at Vienna


UNAIDS und Geber diskutieren die Übertragung von HIV von Müttern auf Kinder bei AIDS 2010

Globale Hilfsorganisationen starten eine gemeinsame Initiative mit dem Generalsekreär der Vereinten Nationen, um das Leben von Millionen von Fraunen und Kindern zu retten


UN logo

UNODC: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Press Release - Knowing your Epidemic: UNODC Launch of "Toolkit for HIV Situation and Needs Assessment in Prison Settings" at 2010 International AIDS Conference

Media Advisory - A Humane and Effective Approach to Drug Dependence: UNODC to Launch Discussion Paper "From Coercion to Cohesion - Treating Drug Dependence Through Health Care, Not Punishment"

Media Advisory - Knowing your Epidemic: UNODC to Launch "Toolkit for HIV Situation and Needs Assessment in Prison Settings"

HIV/AIDS epidemic in Eastern Europe to be under spotlight at Vienna AIDS conference


Ein menschlicher und effektiver Umgang mit Drogenabhängigkeit: UNODC stellt den Diskussions-Beitrag "Vom Zwang zur Zusammenarbeit - Drogenabhängigkeit mit Behandlung begegnen, nicht mit Bestrafung" auf der Internationalen Konferenz AIDS 2010 vor

Über die Epidemie Bescheid wissen: UNODC bringt ein "Toolkit für die HIV-Situation und Bedarfsbewertung in Gefängnissen" bei der Internationalen AIDS 2010-Konferenz auf den Markt

Magyar :

Egy humánus, és hathatós megközelítés a drogfüggőséghez: az UNODC, a 2010-es Nemzetközi AIDS-konferencián kiadja Megvitatásra szánt anyagát: "A kényszertől az összetartozásig - A drogfüggőséget az egészségügy révén, nem büntetésen keresztül kezelni".

Ismerd meg a járványodat: Az UNODC kiadja az "Eszközrendszer a HIV-vel kapcsolatos helyzet és az igények felmérésére börtönkörülmények között" című anyagát a 2010-es Nemzetközi Aids-konferencián.


Human in učinkovit pristop k odvisnosti od drog: UNODC bo na mednarodni konferenci o aidsu 2010 predstavil članek "Od prisile do kohezije: zdravljenje odvisnosti od drog preko zdravstvene oskrbe, ne pa kaznovanja"

Spoznajte epidemijo: UNODC bo na mednarodni konferenci o aidsu 2010 uradno objavil gradivo "Razširjenost virusa HIV in ocena potreb v zaporih"


Ľudský a efektívny prístup k drogovej závislosti: Na medzinárodnej konferencii Konferencia AIDS 2010 UNODC zverejní pracovný dokument "Od nátlaku k súdržnosti - liečba drogovej závislosti prostredníctvom zdravotnej starostlivosti namiesto trestania"

Pochopenie epidémie: UNODC zverejňuje dokument "Sada nástrojov pre vyhodnocovanie situácie HIV a súvisiacich potrieb vo väzniciach" na medzinárodnej Konferencii AIDS 2010


WHO logo

WHO: World Health Organization

Press Release - Public health leaders push ambitious agenda to stop TB deaths among people living with HIV

Media Advisory: Special session: No More People Living with HIV Dying from TB, 22 July 2010

AIDS 2010: challenges in Europe

Press Release - WHO calls for united action to address HIV in Europe

Press Release - WHO announces new approaches to HIV prevention and treatment among children

Press Release - More than five million people receiving HIV treatment

10 Facts on HIV/AIDS


Pressemitteilung - WHO fordert gemeinsames Handeln, um HIV in Europa anzugehen

Pressemitteilung - WHO veröffentlicht neue Ansätze zur HIV-Prävention und Behandlung bei Kindern



UNICEF: United Nations Children's Fund

Young of Central Asia and Eastern Europe suffering Blame and Banishment

UNICEF releases report on children affected by HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia:
'Blame and Banishment' launched at XVIII International AIDS Conference

Young of Central Asia and Eastern Europe Suffering Blame and Banishment


UNICEF und "AIDS 2010"

UNICEF und die AIDS 2010 Konferenz

HIV-positive Kinder und Jugendliche ausgegrenzt und diskriminiert

"Schuld und Verbannung" - HIV-positive Kinder und Jugendliche ausgegrenzt und diskriminiert


WFP logo

WFP: World Food Programme

The Vital Ingredient for People Living with HIV: Good Nutrition

HIV/AIDS & Children - Bringing Hope to a Generation


UNFPA logo

UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund

AIDS Clock

HIV/AIDS: Dispatches from the Field - How HIV Prevention can safe lives



UNIFEM: United Nations Development Fund for Women

Press Release - Accelerating progress in the response to HIV is impossible when women are invisible in decision-making

UNIFEM at XVIII International AIDS Conference



UNDP logo

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme

Press Release - Punitive laws and human rights violations limit access to HIV prevention and care services for men who have sex with men and transgender people in Asia Pacific

Press Release - Rights Here, Rights Now! The Global Commission on HIV and the Law

Press Release - UNDP Announces 2010 Red Ribbon Award Winners

Launch of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law


ILO logo

ILO: International Labour Organization

ILO to launch implementation phase of new international labour standard

Learn about it at work: an HIV poster campaign in Russia

ILO's response to HIV and AIDS



UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

AIDSspace - An online community for connection people

Gender Equality, HIV and AIDS


World Bank logo

World Bank

AIDS Conference 2010


UNHCR logo

UNHCR: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UNHCR's Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS 2008-2012