Die UNO in Wien und Calle Libre haben gemeinsam ein Wandbild im Vienna International Centre gestaltet

In einem für Wien wegweisenden Kunstprojekt wurde ein riesiges Wandbild auf einen der Türme der UNO-City in Wien gemalt. Das Straßenkunstprojekt des australischen Künstlers Fintan Magee thematisiert die Bedeutung der Erreichung der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung und die Gestaltung unserer gemeinsamen Zukunft.

WIEN, 28. Juni 2024 - Das Gebäude der Vereinten Nationen in Wien hat mit diesem riesigen Kunstwerk an der Seite eines der Türme ein ganz neues Aussehen erhalten. Das Projekt, bei dem das größte Wandgemälde Wiens entstanden ist, dient der Unterstützung der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) und des UNO-Zukunftsgipfels. Das Wandgemälde des australischen Künstlers Fintan Magee beschäftigt sich mit den menschlichen Elementen der Vereinten Nationen und der Zerbrechlichkeit des Friedens. 

Das Gemälde entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wiener Kulturverein Calle Libre, mit Unterstützung der in Wien ansässigen UN-Organisationen, des Gastgeberlandes und der Gastgeberstadt sowie zusätzlicher Unterstützung durch den Privatsektor und das Global Compact Network Austria.  

Der Künstler - Fintan Magee

Man dressed in paint-covered clothes, wearing a cap and a safety harness, standing in a crane lift with blue sun umbrella in one corner, high up off the ground.
© UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek

Das Werk „Frau mit Taube - Unsere gemeinsame Zukunft gestalten“ wurde von dem australischen Künstler Fintan Magee umgesetzt, dessen Konzept von einer ausgesuchten Jury ausgewählt wurde. Der renommierte Street Artist Fintan Magee traf kurz vor Beginn der Arbeiten an dem riesigen Kunstwerk in Wien ein. Die Bemalung des Turms dauerte 120 Arbeitsstunden über einen Zeitraum von etwa drei Wochen. Bei der künstlerischen Umsetzung wurde er von einer Assistentin, Sophi Odling aus Australien, und später von einem Assistenten, Axel Schindler aus Österreich, unterstützt. 

Der in Sydney lebende Künstler ist weltweit für seine großformatigen Gemälde bekannt, die oft soziale Themen aufgreifen. Seine Arbeiten zeichnen sich durch eine tiefe Symbolik und eine eindrucksvolle visuelle Darstellung aus. Seine großformatigen Wandgemälde sind in der ganzen Welt zu sehen, darunter in London, Los Angeles, Miami, Atlanta, Buenos Aires, Kopenhagen, Moskau, Rom und Dublin. 

Fintan Magee sagte: Dieses Werk untersucht die menschlichen Elemente in der Rolle der UNO und die Zerbrechlichkeit des Friedens. Das Werk erinnert daran, dass der Frieden zerbrechlich und der Mensch unvollkommen ist. Dauerhafte Stabilität sollte nie als selbstverständlich angesehen werden und wird immer eine kontinuierliche Diplomatie und menschliches Eingreifen erfordern. Frieden ist immer harte Arbeit.

Die UNO in Wien und die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs)

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Das Street Art-Projekt wird von den Leiterinnen und Leitern der größten in Wien ansässigen UN-Organisationen, dem Büro der Vereinten Nationen in Wien/ Büro der Vereinten Nationen für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung (UNOV/UNODC), der Internationalen Atomenergie-Organisation (IAEO), der Organisation des Vertrags über das umfassende Verbot von Nuklearversuchen (CTBTO) und der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung (UNIDO) unterstützt, sowie dem Gastland und der Stadt Wien. 

Die Generaldirektorin des Büros der Vereinten Nationen in Wien, Ghada Waly, sagte: „Wir hoffen, dass dieses Kunstwerk eine Inspirationsquelle für die Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit, Verständigung und Frieden auf der ganzen Welt sein wird. Da wir in diesem Jahr das 45-jährige Bestehen deUNO-City in Wien feiern, müssen wir diese Gelegenheit nutzen, um erneut in den Multilateralismus zu investieren und Impulse für den Zukunftsgipfel der UNO im September in New York zu geben.“ 


Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung und der Zukunftsgipfel

Das Gemälde wird ein Symbol für die Verwirklichung der 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung und insbesondere des Ziels 16: Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen sein.  

Die in Wien ansässigen Büros, Agenturen und Organisationen der Vereinten Nationen tragen dazu bei, die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung zu erreichen und eine Welt zu schaffen, in der alle Menschen in Frieden, Würde und Gleichberechtigung auf einem gesunden Planeten leben können. 

Im September 2024 soll der Zukunftsgipfel in New York dem multilateralen System neuen Schwung verleihen, damit die Welt das Versprechen der Charta der Vereinten Nationen und der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung einlösen kann. 

Auf dem Gipfel sollen ein Pakt für die Zukunft, ein Globaler Digitalpakt und eine Erklärung für künftige Generationen verabschiedet werden. Die Arbeit der Organisationen der Vereinten Nationen in Wien spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle, indem sie sich für eine bessere, friedlichere, wohlhabendere und gerechtere Zukunft für alle einsetzt. 

Das Gemälde

Sehen Sie die Zeitrafferaufnahme des Gemäldes.


Im Laufe von drei Wochen wird der 50 Meter hohe und 20 Meter breite Turm in ein Kunstwerk verwandelt.  

Der Turm ist fast 1.000 Quadratmeter groß, und es werden etwa 210 Liter Farbe benötigt, um die Wand zu streichen. Die Farbe wird von Murexin, dem Partner von Calle Libre, geliefert. 

Das Wandbild steht als Symbol für die Verwirklichung aller 17 Ziele für nachhaltige EntwicklungVor dem Hintergrund von Konflikten und Krisen in der ganzen Welt ist dieses Kunstwerk, das einFrau zeigt, die eine weiße Taube als Symbol des Friedens hält, insbesondere dem Ziel 16 Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen gewidmet.

Der Künstler Fintan Magee sagte: Basierend auf Picassos Kind mit Taube ist das Werk mit einem Artico-Glasmuster gemalt, das die Figur aufbricht und sie abstrakt und scheinbar weit entfernt erscheinen lässt. Die Frau auf dem Gemälde hält eine weiße Taube als Symbol des Friedens. Der gemusterte Glaseffekt stellt die menschliche Figur in dem Werk als zerbrechlich, zart und flüchtig dar.

Street Art ist eine zeitgenössische Kunstform, die für ein breites Publikum leicht zugänglich ist. Der B-Turm am VIC befindet sich in der Nähe des Haupteingangs und wird jeden Tag von Tausenden von Menschen gesehen. Es wird erwartet, dass rund 1,6 Millionen Menschen pro Monat das Kunstwerk sehen werden, darunter U1-Fahrgäste, AutofahrerInnen, Konferenzdelegierte, BesucherInnen von Führungen und MitarbeiterInnen der UN-Organisationen. 

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45 Jahre Internationales Zentrum Wien

Frog-eye view of the tops of three towers of a building with some flags flying in front of them, with the logo of the 45th anniversary of the Vienna International Centre in the corner.
© UNIS Vienna

Das Wandgemälde an der Wand des B-Turmentsteht anlässlich des 45-jährigen Bestehens des Internationalen Zentrums Wien (Vienna International Centre (VIC) – auch UNO-City genannt) im Jahr 2024. Die Arbeit der in Wien ansässigen UN-Organisationen zur Bewältigung globaler Herausforderungen ist heute genauso relevant wie 1979. 

Heute beherbergt das Internationale Zentrum Wien mehr als ein Dutzend Organisationen, Büros und Agenturen der Vereinten Nationen. Ihre Arbeit umfasst eine Reihe von Themen wie nukleare Sicherheit, Drogenkontrolle, Bekämpfung der grenzüberschreitenden organisierten Kriminalität und des Terrorismus, nachhaltige Entwicklung, internationales Handelsrecht und die friedliche Nutzung des Weltraums. 

Calle Libre Street Art Festival

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Die Mission von Calle Libre ist es, die Stadt Wien mit bunter und zugänglicher Street Arzu bereichern. In den letzten 10 Jahren hat sich Calle Libre zum größten Street Art Festival in Mitteleuropa entwickelt.  

Calle Libre freut sich, an dem Projekt beteiligt zu sein, das die graue Wand am VIC in ein allgemein zugängliches Kunstwerk verwandelt. Calle Libre hofft, dass das Wandgemälde bei der UNO dazu beiträgt, das Bewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit einer nachhaltig friedlichen Zukunft für alle und die Bedeutung von Kunst im öffentlichen Raum zu schärfen. Es wird auch dazu beitragen, Wien als internationales Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst zu positionieren. 

Jakob Kattner, künstlerischer Leiter des Calle Libre Festivals, sagte: „In der heutigen Welt, die von anhaltenden Konflikten, Flucht und Migration geprägt ist, ist es wichtiger denn je, ein Bewusstsein für eine nachhaltige und friedliche Zukunft zu schaffen.“ 

Gerade in Wien als internationale Kunst- und Kulturstadt wird die Wirkung dieses Kunstwerks im öffentlichen Raum besonders spürbar sein und eine wichtige Inspirationsquelle für die Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit und Frieden darstellen. Das farbenfrohe Wandgemälde soll zu einer Ikone des 22. Bezirks werden. 

Mit diesem monumentalen Street-Art-Projekt haben wir nicht nur ein nachhaltiges Zeichen zum Thema Frieden gesetzt, sondern gleichzeitig das größte Wandgemälde der Stadt erschaffen, das noch viele Jahre in der Öffentlichkeit nachwirken wird, sagte Jakob Kattner. 

Wie der Künstler/das Gemälde ausgewählt wurde

Das Calle Libre Street Art Festival präsentierte den Vereinten Nationen in Wien acht Kunstschaffende und Muster deren Arbeiten. Die sechs Partner - UNOV/UNODC, IAEO, CTBTO und UNIDO, das Gastgeberland und die Gastgeberstadt - stimmten für ihre drei LieblingskünstlerInnen, die dann jeweils einen Entwurf für den Turm selbst einreichen sollten. Die Partner prüften die Entwürfe, und es kristallisierte sich ein klarer Favorit heraus. Der endgültige Entwurf wurde von den Leiterinnen und Leitern der größten in Wien ansässigen UN-Organisationen bestätigt. 


Technische Herausforderungen des Projekts

Der Turm ist mehr als 50 Meter hoch. Damit der Künstler die Oberkante erreichen kann, ist eine Hebebühne erforderlich. Das österreichische Unternehmen und Mitglied des Global Compact Network Austria, Palfinger, stellt die Hebebühne zur Verfügung, um den Künstler und seine Assistentin / seinen Assistenten auf die Spitze des Turms zu befördern. Die Hebebühne kann eine Höhe von 64 Metern erreichen und das maximale Gewicht in der Kabine beträgt 600 kg.  

Die Gebäudeverwaltung (BMS) und der UN-Sicherheitsdienst im VIC unterstützen den Künstler bei der sicheren Bemalung der Riesenwand. 

Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer

Das Gastgeberland und die Stadt Wien unterstützen das Projekt. Das österreichische Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten und das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft sowie der Bürgermeister von Wien und die Bezirksvorstehung Donaustadt unterstützen das Straßenkunstprojekt ebenso wie die Australische Botschaft in Wien. Aus der Privatwirtschaft unterstützen Palfinger, ein Teilnehmer des Global Compact Network Austria, Murexin, Superbude Hotel, Warda Network, Obsidian Holding, Strabag Kunstforum und andere das Calle Libre Street Art Festival für das Projekt. Auch das Global Compact Network Austria steht hinter dem Projekt. 

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UNO-City Führungen 

Two towers either side of a round building in a large paved area with a fountain on one side.
© UNIS Vienna

Wer mehr über die Arbeit der in Wien ansässigen Organisationen für Frieden, nachhaltige Entwicklung und Menschenrechte erfahren möchte, kann das Innere der UNO-City im Rahmen einer Führung mit einem Tour Guide besuchen. Rund 50.000 Besucherinnen und Besucher nehmen jedes Jahr an UNO-City Führungen teil.  

Einzelpersonen können Montag-Freitag an einer einstündigen UNO-Wien Führung um 11, 12.30, 14 oder 15.30 Uhr teilnehmen. Diese kann auf Deutsch, Englisch und weiteren Sprachen gebucht werden.  

Gruppen können Privatführungen auch zu weiteren Zeiten buchen, und aus einer Reihe weiterer Angebote für verschiedene Altersgruppen auswählen, darunter verlängerte Führungen, Vortragsprogramme oder eine interaktive thematische Führung zu den Zielen für Nachhaltige Entwicklung für Schulgruppen. 

Für Kunstbegeisterte bietet der Besucherdienst eine wöchentliche Kunstführung am Mittwoch um 15.30 Uhr an, um die reiche aber wenig bekannte Kunstsammlung der UNO-City zu entdecken. Neben einer Station am Wandgemälde von Calle Libre bietet diese Tour den Teilnehmenden die Gelegenheit, viele weitere der am Wiener UN-Amtssitz ausgestellten Werke bekannter Kunstschaffender aus Österreich und aller Welt im Original zu betrachten. 

Inklusive Kunst und das Zero Project

Das Zero Project ist eine Initiative, die sich für eine Welt ohne Barrieren einsetzt. Sie wurde von der österreichischen gemeinnützigen Essl Foundation, einem langjährigen Partner deBüros der Vereinten Nationen in Wien gegründet.  

Im Jahr 2023 wurde die serbische Street-Art-Künstlerin Jana Danilovic gemeinsam mit Calle Libre gebeten das Kunstwerk "Inclusion ZPC23" für die Zero Project Conference in der UNO in Wien zu gestalten. Der Gründer der Essl Foundation, Martin Essl, und seine Familie stellten eine taktile Tafel zur Verfügung, um das Kunstwerk auch für Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen zugänglich zu machen. Inspiriert von den inklusiven Kunstinitiativen, die Teil des Zero Project sind, unterstützte die Familie Essl auch den barrierefreien Zugang zu weiteren Kunstwerken, darunter drei Calle Libre-Wandbilder im Karl-Farkas-Park im siebten Wiener Gemeindebezirk.  

Durch die Installation von taktilen Tafeln können Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung Straßenkunst genießen. Eine solche Tafel wurde für das großformatige Wandbild „Frau mit Taube – Unsere gemeinsame Zukunft gestalten“ in der UNO-City von der Essl Foundation beauftragt und von VRVis realisiert. 

Einweihung der Street Art

Am Freitag, den 28. Juni, fand eine feierliche Einweihung mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern des Gastlandes, der Stadt Wien, der Bezirksvorstehung Donaustadt (22. Bezirk), der Vereinten Nationen, des Calle Libre Kulturvereins und anderen Partnern statt. Der Künstler war ebenfalls anwesend und sprach über den Entstehungsprozess, das Motiv, seine Verbindung zur Stadt Wien und die Bedeutung für den Bezirk und seine BewohnerInnen. 

Die Öffentlichkeit ist aufgerufen, Fotos und Videos des Wandbildes zu machen und sie in den sozialen Medien unter den Hashtags #UNOCityStreetArt #UNVienna und #callelibre zu teilen. 


Calle Libre - Street Art at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

28 June 2024: The biggest street art in Vienna has been inaugurated today at a special ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in the city, with representatives of Host Country, City of Vienna, 22nd municipal district, the United Nations and the Calle Libre Street Art Festival as well as the artist himself, Fintan Magee. A tactile information board courtesy of Zero Project and partners was also unveiled to make the artwork accessible for people with disabilities. It took nearly three weeks for the renowned Australian artist to transform one of the towers of the UN building into the work of art, that covers almost 1,000 square metres. He was assisted by Sophi Odling from Australia and later Axel Schindler from Austria. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

26 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

24 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

24 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

24 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

24 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

24 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

24 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

24 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

24 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

20 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Fintan Magee meeting with Ghada Waly, Director-General/ Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV)/ United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

20 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Fintan Magee meeting with Ghada Waly, Director-General/ Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV)/ United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

20 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Ghada Waly, Director-General/ Executive Director of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV)/ United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) at Gate 1 of the Vienna International Centre. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

20 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Fintan Magee meeting with Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

20 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Fintan Magee meeting with Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

20 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

20 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

19 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna/ Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

17 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

17 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

17 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

17 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

17 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

15 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

15 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

15 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

15 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

15 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

15 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Laura Skocek
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

14 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

13 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

13 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

13 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

13 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

13 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna/Anna Proprentner
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

12 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

10 June 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. Photo: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC

Calle Libre at the VIC

29 May 2024: The United Nations in Vienna and Calle Libre join forces to create a mural at the Vienna International Centre. A renowned street artist, Fintan Magee from Australia, transforms the 50 metres high and 20 metres wide tower of the VIC into a work of art. Photo credit: UNIS Vienna
Calle Libre at the VIC