Medzinárodný deò mieru 2008: Organizácia Spojených národov zbiera mierové posolstvá na celom svete

Peace means you can say everything, feel safe wherever you are. Peace is freedom and safety. On the other hand, war is slavery and death, nothing is your own - neither your life nor mind.

I think peace is very important part of our world. Everywhere are wars, a lot of people argue and peace is the only thing what people in many countries want. Peace is our feeling.

For me PEACE is the state of harmony in human soul / hearth / mind. It is very hard and difficult to reach this state. It is total freedom and happiness.

Peace is state when every person in the world knows about values of wealth and family.

Peace is something that we all want. It is state when we could live like brothers. Life without fear.

Peace is something impossible, something unreachable. Peace is just a dream of most people, but it is a nightmare for superpowers, because they are scared of loosing power.

Peace could be just a wind without smoke of bombs and the air without bullets. 

Peace is a feeling which people who live in a country where is a war try to understand.

Peace is a miracle which cannot be reached until there will be hatred.

Peace is the most expensive and the best thing in the world.

In society, peace is a state without danger, conflicts and guns. Peace means safety for everyone. And for me? I feel peace when nobody wants something from me and when I can say that I am free. I feel peace when I hear a nice song and I do not think about problems, future and the rest of the world.

Peace is time for people who want to be alive. Peace in our minds, families and states make us healthy and wealthy. Majerníček.

Peace is a status of behaviour of people when they don't fight between themselves for example or they tolerate each other.

The peace is state when I feel that everything is O.K. I try to reach peace in my soul everyday.

Peace is my life because I cannot live in war. Peace is very important for me because I cannot hurt other people and I don't like if other people hurt me.

Peace is state that will never be on our planet. Human race cannot change. Humans always want more and more and will fight for it.

Peace is one of the most important things in the world. Everybody needs peace in soul. If people lived in peace, the world would be better and nicer. But today everybody wants money and power. People  are selfish so the word "war" is more often than the word "peace".

Peace is life without wars and disputes between people who have different face colour or different religion. Peace is human love.

For me peace means no war, no fight, no weapons. Peace can mean silence for soul. It is a place where everyone loves nature, other people, animals etc.

Without war there is no peace. I don't understand what is peace, because I don't know the war. But I don't like peace. Wars clear the world thousands years. War is now. When all our enemies will be dead, then there will be peace. Pavlik.

When there is no war, there is peace. Peace is something which is very important for everybody, because in peace you do not need to be afraid that someone will take your things or kill someone who you love. You feel safe.

The biggest enemy of peace is a poison of tiredness, indifference and ignorance of people themselves.

Until people get the right to withdraw the elected government anytime, you politicians bear huge responsibility for whether there is war or peace in the world.

There will never be peace in the world until we treat others the same way we treat our beloved.

People tend to blame politicians for the existence of wars. It is more simple than to admit that politicians would not be able to make war, if those who elected them would stand against them.